The Deposit of Faith and Obtaining the Glory of God

The *deposit of faith.* Your heritage as a Catholic! Sounds important, right? Do you know what it is? It’s purpose? Or how it affects your interior life? Listen for the answers as Richaél Lucero draws your attention to the origin of this body of saving truths and core beliefs. Learn how it preserves the Faith through the Church started by Jesus. And how the one deposit connects you to centuries of faithful who lived before you and God himself.

Beatitudes and Imitating Christ (3 of 3) [Pure in Heart, Peacemaker, Persecuted for Righteousness]

Lent is a time of restoration. Our souls are being restored to better reflect the image of Christ. Enjoy the final episode of our 2020 Lenten series aimed at helping the faithful delve into the spirit of this season. Listen as Richaél Lucero concludes this series with a practical explanation of how we are to live out the last three beatitudes in order to be renewed images of Christ in the world.

Beatitudes and Imitating Christ (2 of 3) [Meek, Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness, & Merciful]

In this episode Richaél Lucero keeps our eyes fixed on Christ by continuing the Lenten exploration of the beatitudes. Reflecting on the third, fourth, and fifth beatitudes, she links them with specific gifts of the Holy Spirit given to us at baptism to grow in each beatitude. Listen now and begin the discussion with Christ about which beatitude he wants to restore within you.